Saturday, October 23, 2010

PostHeaderIcon Fancy New Software Install/System Restore USB Drive The Future?

Whenever you buy a new laptop, one of the things within the bundle of multi-language manuals, fliers and cables are the multiple system restore or software install disks. Most of you probably don't know where those are, but in actual fact they are pretty useful. What happens when you don't have a CD drive like the new Macbook Air that was announced yesterday? Sure you could use the remote drive function, but can you imagine trying to install your OS over you Wireless network connection? It would be molasses to say the least.

So what did Apple do for the latest set of Macbook Air's? Instead of providing software reinstall disks, they just preloaded all required file onto a snazzy USB drive, saving you a load of time and hassle come reinstall day. Not to mention, the 8GB disk would make a nice addition to your geek keyring of USB drives!

I'm all for this idea and while we're at it, why not whack in the manuals and save some trees! However I think no matter how cheap flash memory will get, it may not be viable to be the standard for computer manufacturers worldwide. I hope Apple at least continue this with the rest of their future line up. What do you think? CD/DVDs or a USB drive?


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